Meet Julie Sullivan...

Julie Sullivan, an Accredited Coach and Eating Psychologist, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the world of holistic well-being.

With a corporate background and a strong foundation in management, Julie's journey into health was ignited by a lifelong passion. Her
quest for the ultimate diet; led her to the game-changing concept of Intuitive Eating, and her relentless pursuit of healing introduced her to the world of gut health.

Julie now specialises in working with busy women, guiding them to prioritise their health and well-being for enhanced wealth and success in their personal and professional lives. Her mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health and overall well-being. 

Julie's unique combination of expertise and passion makes her a powerful advocate for those striving to improve their lives. With extensive experience in coaching and holistic health practices, Julie is more than a coach; she is a transformational partner with a deep
understanding of how to achieve well-being and success.

Her dedication to empowering individuals to prioritise their health and well-being is the cornerstone of her mission. With Julie, you're not just getting guidance; you're gaining a trusted companion on your journey to lasting transformation.