Meet Niki Kinsella... 

As a former people-pleaser, riddled with anxiety, who felt uninspired and lost, I know what it’s like to feel held back by your own mind.

For years, I made myself small, weighed down by the opinions of others.
I battled panic attacks, depression, and addiction, and was told my beliefs in spirituality were stupid.

Until one day, I decided that life was too short to give a shit about the thoughts of people who didn’t matter.

I decided there and then that shit needed to change.

I decided to lean into my love of spirituality, stop avoiding the emotional blocks that were keeping me stuck, and make massive changes to the way I lived my life.

I'm a serious believer that life is too short to waste your time feeling shit!!!

Especially when you’re a woman who’s on a mission.

A woman who wants to change the whole world for the better.

I’m a Business and Soul Alignment Coach…which basically means I’m all about helping you to lean into your feminine energy and fuck off everyone else’s opinions on what you should be doing with your life…so you can start listening to your own soul’s purpose, feel fucking amazeballs, and live everyday with passion, self-belief and true excitement.